Wednesday 17 June 2015


Looking back to the start of the unit i thing that i have improved slightly as i now know how to draw realistic drawings but i think i would need to practice more before i would be able to produce any half decent bit work with this style because i don't use realistic style art work but i do feel like if keep trying the styles that i have been shown i would be able to draw realistic style drawings well by the end of the second year.

Anatomy art

The next 3 drawings or for the anatomy part of my college course.

 As you can see for the first drawing this is a finished drawing of a muscle bound man from his head to his hips, this was drawn for my 2D animation but i thought that i should include it because it is something that i have drawn that applies to this unit, as you can see this is intended to be cartoon styled meaning that i didn't really use any techniques to make the parts of his body scaled properly.

This drawing was a quick sketch of the skeleton of someone posing, i only drew the skeleton because i don't really draw the full body of people and realistic drawings are not what i am use to so i just wanted to get the basics and start done to this drawing.

This drawing is of another person posing, for this drawing i used the technique were you use the head for the scaling of the other parts of the body, it is hard to see but i measured the size of the head and drew the lined down the body to then get the size of the torso and legs.

Thursday 14 May 2015


Shading on a wooden mannequin.

For this drawing i decided to try out some different styles of shading, as you can see towards the top of the mannequin i use the side of the pencil using different amounts of pressure to give it the different shades, then in the middle of the mannequin i used the different shade pencils on their side from HB to H3 with the same amount of pressure to get a similar effect to the tap parts and then at the bottom i use the HB shade but used small lines in a checked pastern but in different amounts making the affected aria look darker and then less lines when i wanted it to look brighter.

Art from media

Popular Comic book characters:

 The Arrow
 The Flash
I made these photos using the simple paint tool in flash using a reference image. i did not refine the images because my skills in flash are not good enough and i am not good enough with a graphics tablet to get smooth lines.

Popular TV and game characters:

Lina from Dota 2

Sven from Dota 2

Happy the cat from Fairy Tail

Some random anime girl

For Sven and Lina i used pencil and for Happy and the anime girl i used pen, this is because Happy and the anime girl have the most simple design and i thought that i could draw them without mistake and for Sven and Line their design was way more complex so i did them in pencil because i can rub them out and make more alterations if needed to but looking back now i could have just drawn them in pencil and gon over them in pen but i think they look good as it is.